un poema en imágenes & more stuff

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Sweet angel of the death

You look at me and you kill me, I kiss you and you spit me
you introduce your hand in my chest and you pull up my heart
You show it to me and you laugh cynically
you torture my dream, entering in him and giving me obscene thoughts
you caress the skin of the forgetfulness, mutilating my brain and disorienting my eyes
bloody thirst that of you it emanates, you absorb each drop of my senses moving away from the reality
the sweettest tangled madness among your kisses, and you pull up my lips biting them
you lose my desires among your legs and later you mutilate your pleasure
you extract my bowel to laugh at my unusual pain
you break the bones of my legs so that I cannot run toward you
and to enjoy the beautiful sound my voice when groaning of pain and to call your name
you break the bones of my arms so that I cannot hug you
and I cannot defend of the merciless blows that you give me

Lastly, when kissing my neck slowly, you bury your eyeteeth and you leave me without life, inert, paralyzed, dead
Lastly, when kissing my neck slowly, you bury your fingernails, fingers and hands, and you pull up my head, to put it among your legs

Ich liebe Dich mein lieber Engel von Tod

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Experimento 1 (by orlok)

Experimento 2 - Silver Machine

Hasta siempre comandante Che Guevara

Ja! a mi me salió DareDevil!

Soulfly - Back to the Primitive