un poema en imágenes & more stuff

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2008

Yo si creo en algo... creo en...

This I believe in... I believe in death. I believe in disease. I believe in injustice and inhumanity, torture and anger and hate... I believe in murder. I believe in pain. I believe in cruelty and infidelity. I believe in slime and stink and every crawling, putrid thing... every possible ugliness and corruption, you son of a bitch. I believe... in you.

I believe in Death
I believe in Diseases
I believe in Inhumanity
I believe in Injustice

I believe in Sorrow
I believe in Pain
I believe in Murder
I believe in Chaos

I believe in Slime, Stink
and every crawling Ugliness

I believe in Torture, Anger
and Hate

I believe in Me,
I believe in You

I make My Resurrection and My Life
Keep your theories. Keep your lies.

There is no heaven, but Hell is here
I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes

We are near The End of the world as we know it
So it should be and so it is

I believe in Death
I believe in Diseases
I believe in Inhumanity
I believe in Injustice

I believe in Slime, Stink
and every crawling Ugliness

I believe in Torture, Anger
and Hate

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Experimento 1 (by orlok)

Experimento 2 - Silver Machine

Hasta siempre comandante Che Guevara

Ja! a mi me salió DareDevil!

Soulfly - Back to the Primitive